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NPA Funding

NPA Funding is a new loan granted to an NPA borrower to close all his previous loans that slip into NPA due to any kind of unavoidable circumstances but now he is interested in rescheduling all his bad loans. Borrowers can use NPA funding to close multiple loan accounts within the same bank or with multiple banks or lenders. Through this facility, an NPA borrower can also raise working capital for his business expansion after closing the NPA account.

Key Points:

  • NPA Funding can be raised to close NPA Accounts and to raise working capital for business
  • Suitable for small to large corporations
  • Direct payment to the previous lender and takeover of collaterals
  • Best tool to reset credit ratings
  • It can be raised all over India


We offer NPA Funding facilities to our clients throughout India, so contact us to take control of your business and restart your financial life.

If you have any query for NPA Funding​ ... We are available

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